Predictive Genomics
Predictive Genomics is a powerful tool that is at the cutting edge of health care today. "Most medicine to-date, including what's been called preventative, is all practicing 'downstream' medicine," at the site of the river of ill health. And it is time to start practicing true preventive medicine, which is what Predictive Genomics does.
Using a set of four simple tests, Predictive Genomics "decodes" your individual DNA information, enabling Dr. Mudrak to make simple diet, nutrition, and lifestyle modifications that can address potential health issues before they appear in the body.
These four tests determine the unique expression of your body:
- Cardio Profile: regulation of blood pppressure and cholesterol
- Osteo Profile: ability to utilize bone wbuilding nutrients
- Immuno Profile: immune function
- Detox Profile: processing and elimination of toxins.
Questions & Answers About Predictive Genomics for Patients
Q: What are genes?
A: Genes are Nature's blueprint for "building" life. Genes are present in the central compartment (the nucleus) of almost every one of the 100 trillion cells in your body. In all, your body contains about 30,00 - 40,000 genes.
Q: How do genes do this?
A: Genes contain long double-stranded segments called DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA is formed by a sequence of four chemicals (called nucleotides). The arrangement of these four nucleotides makes up your genetic code. No two individuals (except identical twins) are born with the same exact arrangement. In fact, just by changing the order of these four chemicals, all the wondrous genetic diversity within the human race is created.
"You Can Make an Alternate Life Plan"
Q: How do genes affect my health?
A: Genes are like "recipes" that your body depends on to produce proteins. Proteins, in turn, play important roles in metabolism. They affect the make-up and function of all your cells, tissues, and organs. They build bones, skin, and hair. They help break down food into the energy your body needs, and help your immune system fend off harmful "foreign invaders" like bacteria, yeast, and viruses. And they are essential for processing and eliminating harmful toxins.
Q: What does this test measure?
A: Using cells collected either from a simple mouth rinse procedure or from a single blood draw, this test measures selected segments of the genetic code that differ from individual to individual. These are called single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs for short.
"Genes Don't Equal Fates"
SNPs are variations in the genetic code that occur only at certain places, in certain individuals. Everyone has SNPs — that's what makes us different from one another. Some SNPs are quite common and others are quite rare. Many SNPs have no effect on our health, but others can predispose us to disease, or influence our response to a particular food or drug.
Even SNPs good for health in one situation may be harmful in another.
The SNPs in these tests are carefully selected. Your test will not measure any SNPs that will absolutely lead to disease. Your test will evaluate only SNPs that may lead to health problems when influenced by other external factors-factors you can often change.
It's very important to remember that the SNPs included on your test indicate risk, not certainty. Testing positive for SNPs doesn't mean you are sure to develop a health problem.
By the same token, if you don't have SNP associated with a certain disease, that doesn't mean you are completely protected from the disease, or that you shouldn't take steps to optimize your health. It just means that your genetic risk is lower for that disease.
Q: Why is testing important?
A: Imagine you were dealt a hand of cards and then were asked to play out your hand without ever seeing the values of the cards. Without knowing the cards, you would have no idea how best to play your hand. The outcome would depend purely on chance.For most of history, this is the way preventative medicine has worked. People have taken supplements or drugs, followed diets, made lifestyle changes, without really knowing if these strategies were ones that best suited their body and their personal risks. Many conditions influenced by genetics were treated only after a person developed the disease.
Seeing the results of your test is like seeing the cards you've been delt by nature. Once you know your cards, you can develope the most effective strategy to play out your hand. That means working with your healthcare provider to carefully develope a diet, lifestyle, and supplement program that matches the unique health risks for you body.
Whether you choose to "see" you genes or not, they are always there. And they will continue to play an important role in your health. By choosing to "look" at them, you're giving yourself the opportunity to do something about them. In this way, you can more actively — and more accurately — promote your health.