About Dr. Laura Mudrak
Dr. Mudrak is a primary healthcare provider for the entire family, and brings to her practice a wide range of expertise and experience.
Philosophically, Dr. Mudrak describes her vision and practice:
"By combining modern medicine and ageless wisdom, I help you feel better and live better. I look for underlying causes of illness — the reasons your symptoms appeared in the first place, using a holistic approach.
I recognize that the underlying cause of illness stems from structural, nutritional, emotional, and biochemical elements. I account for all of these elements and treat you as an integral, whole person."
Dr. Mudrak's qualifications include:
- Doctor of Chiropractic, Northwestern College of Chiropractic.
- Licensed acupuncturist (L.Ac.) by the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice.
- National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).
- Bachelor of Arts, Chemistry, University of Minnesota.
- Tai Chi and Qi Gong Practitioner.
- Gymnast, weight lifter (national title holder), and power lifter (state title holder).
- Nutrition and weight loss consultant.